Monday 2 March 2009

Update on Preliminary Exercise - A Shock Experience

We had filmed, for the second time, our Preliminary exercise, which involved Shanuica and Hannah's acting skills and not mine, that was fine with me, my acting skills are terrible! So i was extremely happy to film, which i really enjoyed.
When it came to editing Shanuica took control as she knew what she was doing. Myself and Hannah added comments and established were it needed to be cut and helped. However, me and Hannah had went to get something from the other room, i looked through the door when we was returning and by Shanuica's dramatic movements and shocked face expression, something had gone horrible wrong. She had accidentally lost all the work she had done, when she watched it on full screen, and accidentally clicked exit, shutting the project done.
After some fussing about, Shanuica was determined to do it again in 30minutes, and she was DETERMINED! and she done it in 15. And it was really good. We just have to touch up on it and it should be posted sometime next week.

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