Friday 27 March 2009


8 out of 12 of the people we surveyed preferred to “Think and try and work out the plot” rather than to “Sit and enjoy the film” which received 4 out of the 12 people. This tells us that our thriller needs to have a strong plot which allows the audience to think so that they can be involved, and so that it keeps the interested.

Horror and Crime both received the highest votes which was 6 each. Action and Psychological also received the same votes which was 4 each. However, Sci-Fi and Spy are shown as not being the sub-genre they enjoy in our young audience.

From this graph, our audience preferred to be shocked more than the others. They also like an element of Suspense as well. Humour and Blood & Gore are also elements enjoyed, however slightly less, whereas Cliff Hangers received nothing, which is therefore not enjoyed.

Our audience like to Spot Anomalies in thrillers, which backs up the idea that they like to “think and try to work out the plot”. The Protagonists also fared well with our audience as this option received the 2nd most. Also, the Antagonists are our 3rd most important to watch in thrillers. Settings, on the other hand, received no votes, and are not the aspect that is enjoyed.

The Story appears to attract our readers more to a thriller. However, the Director, and other aspects also appear to interest our audience. Although the cast or music did not appeal to our audience, showing that a good Story is likely to attract our audience more.

In conclusion our audience are citizens who enjoy a mixture between Crime, Horror, Psychological and Action. They are more interested in spotting clues to attempt to work out the plot of the story. However, shockers are appreciated and as are the suspense of the film.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Target Audience

2. Age?

3. What sort of thrillers do you enjoy?
Crime. Physiological. Action. Horror. Sci-Fi. Spy

4. What appeals most to you in a thriller?
The Story. The Cast. The Director. Music/Soundtrack. Others

5. What do you concentrate more on in a thriller?
The Protagonists. The Antagonists. Spotting Anomalies. Settings.

6. Do you prefer:
To think and try and work out the plot OR Sit and enjoy the film?

7. You like what in a thriller?
Suspense. Humour. Blood & Gore. Cliff Hangers. Shockers

These were the questions asked in our questionnaire, designed and composed by me, Carla. The results will appear next week, to confirm what our target audience is.

The Storyboard: "Virus"

The animation of our storyboard is now complete. Illustrated by me, Carla Fletcher, and noted and confirmed by Hannah Poole and edited by Shaunica Lynch.

Sunday 22 March 2009


i have been on there website and have registered. I have heard various music and have selected two possible ones for our Media Thriller. I am currently waiting for them to send me, after they have looked at my request. So hopefully i should get them by next week.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Storyboard: Complete

So, we have finally completed our Storyboard, so hopefully by Friday we shall have it blogged. It includes illustrations from me, and our grouped work together to write what camera angles and notes that would be included, to ensure that the filming progress would run smoothly. Therefore, once we have completed that, we shall hopefully begin filming, an exciting prospect.

Friday 13 March 2009

Storyboard - In production

Update - So, we began our storyboard for our Thriller, and hopefully by next week, we shall have it all done and check and then we shall produce an anmie of it. Once we have done that, we shall start filming!

Wednesday 11 March 2009

The Preliminary Exercise - Completed

This is our Preliminary Exercise. We understand that there is one continutiy problem, and we hope by telling you this, that it shows you that we understand. I shan't tell you what it is, i shall let you try and find it. But this exercise was to show us how to edit and to understand the problems that may occur. As we have done a mistake, we now understand how important it is, and will take note of this.

Saturday 7 March 2009

Death Note - I love It

Recently this film was broadcasts on FilmFour, and myself and my friend commit ourselves to watch a film on this channel on Saturdays. The film DEATH NOTE, which we had heard from another friend that we had to see it. (And once i did see it i had like the biggest discussion with this friend, who said he preferred the amine to the movie, however i preferred the movie, and then started to watch the amine which i did however like: BUT THE FILM IS BETTER!). Anyway, i am absolutely in love with this film, and have actually brought it now, some I'm happy! So, Dear Mr Examiner, i recommend you watch this film, if you haven't already. Its in Japaneses, but their are subtitles, but this way you can understand it better.

This is the Movie Trialier for Death Note.

Friday 6 March 2009


Our group worked towards the planning of our thriller. We have changed the idea to;

We have also came up with a name for our thriller:

We witness the killer walking past a friend, we witness many pictures and that he has a picture of his friend, who he just walked pass who he intends to kill, we go to a flashback in which we see him take the pictures of a group of friends and them having fun. We go to the present and we see him drop the photo and see another person take the picture from the ground and walk in the direction of the friend to kill.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Preliminary Exercise - Shock 2

So, we were editing the preliminary exercise once more. Just me and Hannah. Not a good idea! Whatever we was trying to do, WE FAILED! and we was trying to fix what we had done for the majority of the lesson, because Shan's voice was out of sync.
So Hannah needed to go, so i said i will stay all lunch and after that until it was finished. I had some trouble with the camera because the audio was scattering. So i had to change the camera, and then it wouldnt let me edit. So i had to import many times so i could cut it. But, finally, it worked and its all sorted.
Now we can work towards our Thriller Trailer!

Monday 2 March 2009

Update on Preliminary Exercise - A Shock Experience

We had filmed, for the second time, our Preliminary exercise, which involved Shanuica and Hannah's acting skills and not mine, that was fine with me, my acting skills are terrible! So i was extremely happy to film, which i really enjoyed.
When it came to editing Shanuica took control as she knew what she was doing. Myself and Hannah added comments and established were it needed to be cut and helped. However, me and Hannah had went to get something from the other room, i looked through the door when we was returning and by Shanuica's dramatic movements and shocked face expression, something had gone horrible wrong. She had accidentally lost all the work she had done, when she watched it on full screen, and accidentally clicked exit, shutting the project done.
After some fussing about, Shanuica was determined to do it again in 30minutes, and she was DETERMINED! and she done it in 15. And it was really good. We just have to touch up on it and it should be posted sometime next week.