Thursday 30 April 2009

One more thing

Myself and Shaunica decided with need to put one more thing into our thriller, so that it is understood that the victim is killed. Therefore tomorrow we will shoot this tiny bit to edit in and then add our title of the thriller and then WE WILL BE DONE! I shall text Hannah tomorrow of whats happening and then it will all work out.

Although we did get music from mobygratis, it was not used. We used another website called, which is a license site with music that we could use. Shaunica chose the song, in which i found called Darkstar, and it works really well with the project. We decide against diegetic sounds, because this would take away the effect of tension and suspense. Therefore, the music from is the only sound, which is non-diegetic, that will be used. This is because we feel that music creates more of the suspense feeling to bring out the emotions. Otherwise we would have had to create a script, which would have been time consuming, and may ruin the opening film.


Myself and Shaunica done more editing today. Our project islooking great and im feeling extremely impressed with what we have created. It's really coming together. From advice from our teacher we made the protagonist part longer, and incoperated the present filming in the flashback, which really works well with the end effect of the flashback in which red colour. Shaunica always remeber to save, so that we dont encounter any problems, like with did with the preliminary, when we forgot toe save and ended up losing our work and having to start again. We have learnt so much.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Editing (more information)

So a lot of editing has been done today. Myself and Shaunica had arranged our shots in order and used different techniques. throughout the flashbacks, which we made appear in black and white, and used dissolved for the transactions. I then wanted to make the antagonists appear angry, due to the events in the flashback and the colour of red to show this. We also added a flash before the flashback to add effect.
More editing needs to be done, and verified.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Filming 2

We filmed again today, however Hannah was unable to make it due to the fact she was suffering from a tooth ache and had to go to the dentist. So me and Shaunica done it instead, and done some great filming. I feel rather excited now and believe we will get everything done for the due date which is extremely soon. It's been rough, however, its a bridge we have crossed now. There is a lot that is to be done, but i feel more confident now. Editing will be done throughout this week and mostly on Wednesday, as i have free lessons, so all day i am just going to do media coursework.

Monday 27 April 2009


Done some editing today of the filming we done on Monday. Shaunica also came in and we worked together. Majority of it is actually done, so we had time do complete this section and do filming today for editing on Wednesday, which i aim to complete on the 29th April. We didnt face any technical problems with editing, which was good and we manage to do an efficent job.

Saturday 25 April 2009


During production we shot in various angles and distances. We used mid shots, long shots as well as close up and extreme close ups. We filmed over the shoulder shots, panning and a variety of camera movements. Directing was fun and i enjoyed filming and positioning the camera to achieve good shots that can be used for editing to produce a good thriller. Using the tripod we shot steady shots and positioned our actors in frame so that the shot was understood.

Friday 24 April 2009


So, we did filming today, friday, of the part of the thriller, which is a flashback. It was fun and we managed to work well together to get this part done. It was also a lovely day which was a plus; a shame that this filming will be in black and white in the editing process. We also took pictures of the filming and of the group which will be incoperated into our thriller. I will get them printed on Saturday, as they will need to be used in the filming on monday.

Thursday 23 April 2009

New Storyboard

We witness the encounter of two people, who had shared a friendship which no loner exists, which we will see in a black and white flashback. After the flashback we will see him with a photo of the girl h just walked passed. Next we will see him arranging photos with one with an X on it, and his next victim.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

A Change of Plans

Due to the fact we don't have a lot of time, we had to change our story board in which we simplified it. We kept the concept of the photos and the part when the two friends meet, however the email part had to be eliminated, due to the fact we don't have a lot of time. We also therefore have to change the name of our thriller, to match the new storym which we havent decided yet. This change of plan means the last few days are going to be rushed, but i have faith that we will produce something great. Filming will be much quicker and we are going to do two days of filming on Friday and Monday. Due to the fact i have a lot of free time i have stated that i will edit during all of my free time and if we have to after school as well, so that it is completed by Friday the 1st May. it will be! I will post a new storyboard once we have discussed between ourselves.

Antagonists: Joesph Uhama
Protagonist: Gemma Castle
Next Victims in Photo: Hannah Poole & Shaunica Lynch

Monday 20 April 2009


we done some filming! It was a lot of fun and i enjoy getting to know everyone. We films the last bit of our thriller, when the killer and one of the victims past each other in the park. The location was brilliant, and due to the fact i have lots of free time, i shall beginning editing Wednesday.

Wednesday 15 April 2009


So we have had to change a plan abit. We are hopefully going to start filming on monday sort of and then all that following week we will be doing filming. Then we will be on track and on time. So on monday we are going to have pictures of everyone for our thriller. Actors and Actress have also changed, and i will post later everyone involved.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Im Worried

Its been quite a while, and mobygratis are still pending the requested music. It's been over 3 weeks. Therefore i am going to have to discuss with my group how we can get music so that we have a Plan B.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Im Back

So, I'm back, and i have spoken with my group, and we are all making sure that we have actors for filming, and are deliberating the date to start filming and whose doing what.
Killer: Joesph
Victim 1: Gemma Castle
Victim 2: Katie Anderson
Victim 3: Shaunica Lynch

This will hopefully be sorted in the next coming days and then we can begin filming.

Thursday 2 April 2009

03 April - 08 April

Unforutanely, i will be unavabile to do Media Coursework, via the Blog, due to the fact i wil be in Poland and Germany History Trip. Sorry! x

Wednesday 1 April 2009

So, myself and Hannah decided to do a series of shot so that we can train our self to use the camera and to identify the shots that will be used in our thriller trailer. I began to edit the shots, so that we could blog it on here. However, it is not yet completed and due to the fact that it's the Easter Holidays, i will not be able to continue editing the shots, and therefore it will have to be posted when we come back from this term.